Welcome To Scrabble Cheat Board

Scrabble Cheat Board is a whole new way to get help with a game of Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordfeud and other Scrabble-clone type word games.  This site offers the whole board.

How to use the Scrabble Cheat Board:

  1. Choose the game type.  You can choose from Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordfeud, Wordwise, Lexulous and Alphajax
  2. If you’re playing Scrabble, choose the dictionary.  If you aren’t the the dictionary is auto-selected for you.
  3. Enter your letters in the Your Letter Tiles form field and click Search.
  4. Choose a word from the list that is displayed to the right of the board.
  5. When your opponent plays a word, make sure and key it in.
  6. For a Blank Tile that has no point value, just use an UPPERCASE letter.
  7. The list shown on the right side on each search will not only tell you what words you can spell with your letters, but it also calculates the highest point valued words playable anywhere on the board with your letters.
  8. Prepare to win every single game you play.  You can’t lose, using Scrabble Cheat Board.